all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 2AA 10 0 54.043846 -1.240251
YO30 2AB 3 0 54.042793 -1.239995
YO30 2AD 21 0 54.045827 -1.239344
YO30 2AG 29 0 54.04135 -1.25071
YO30 2AH 1 0 54.041421 -1.275433
YO30 2AJ 1 1 54.044509 -1.242462
YO30 2AL 57 0 54.040291 -1.24066
YO30 2AN 20 0 54.040649 -1.243265
YO30 2AP 4 0 54.03944 -1.242523
YO30 2AQ 1 0 54.051747 -1.2401
YO30 2AR 8 0 54.039729 -1.244106
YO30 2AS 22 1 54.040352 -1.247751
YO30 2AT 4 0 54.039703 -1.241777
YO30 2AU 3 0 54.039762 -1.242227
YO30 2AW 13 0 54.039857 -1.249058
YO30 2AX 12 1 54.040114 -1.243885
YO30 2AY 16 2 54.040755 -1.247499
YO30 2AZ 1 0 54.034816 -1.238943
YO30 2BA 3 1 54.039506 -1.234756
YO30 2BD 1 1 54.04018 -1.231607